A few months ago, my father had a series of health incidents that left him unable to stand or walk. Dad has had issues with melanoma for several years, and the last one he had removed turned out to be cancerous. Twenty radiation treatments were prescribed, and in order to get dad to his appointments, we needed a way to get him there and back home since he can only get around in a wheelchair. Enter Tony and Mike. When I scheduled the first appointment, Tony was to one who arrived at our home to get us to the hospital; when Tony wasn’t available, Mike took over. Good – Kind – Compassionate – Caring – Attentive – Fun – Funny – Knowledgeable – are all words I can use to describe both of them. The amount of stress these men took off of me as Dad’s 24/7 caregiver is immeasurable. I can’t thank them enough for how much I relied on them during the 20 days that ended this past Thursday. If your other drivers/associates are anywhere near as good as these two, you should have it made. THEY ARE THE BEST!!, and Dad and I wanted you to know it.